wsresources destDir="/path/to/wsres"

From: Kaj Hejer (
Date: Mon Jun 16 2003 - 07:55:26 EDT

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: WOLips: PB.project file has excluded .java files"

    Congratulation on WOProject 1.0.2! :)

    What do you think about the following idea? I just ask here before
    add it as a feature request.

    When deploying applications on our productionserver we need to copy
    the webserverresources to the htdocs directory of the webserver.

    Today we use some "manual" coying in the build.xml file. What about
    adding a destDir to the wsresources element, something like

        <wsresources dir="." destDir="/path/to/wsres">
                     <include name="*.css"/>
                     <include name="*.gif"/>
                     <include name="*.jpg"/>

    When building while developing we need the wsresources in the .woa
    directory (just as they are placed today). So I guess the destDir
    just shoule make a copy of the webserverresources, not move them from
    the .woa directory.

    Should I add this as an feature request?

    -Kaj :)

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