NEWBIE ANT build error : bin not found

From: Benoit Mangez (
Date: Wed Jul 02 2003 - 07:40:14 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: NEWBIE ANT build error : bin not found"

    I try to run a woAplication with WOLips 1.0.3, java 1.3.1, macOSX
    10.2.6, WO 5.1.

    When I build the woApplication (with ANT), I receive
    "MyWOApplication.woa" with no jar.

    I have the following error:

    [woapplication] BUILD FAILED: file:/.../build.xml:43:
    /.../MyWOApplication/bin not found.

    I've also notice that the ant.* files where empty:
    more ant.classpaths.user.home
    An empty file result in a full filesystem scan

    I assume I made a mistake in the build.xml :

    <project name="MyWOApplication" default="build" basedir=".">

            <!-- main targets -->
            <!-- add optional targets to depends list if needed -->
            <target name="build" depends="setProps,,build.woapp"/>

            <target name="install" depends="setProps,init.install,build.woapp"/>
            <target name="clean" depends="setProps">
                      <delete dir="${}.woa"/>

            <!-- property determination -->
            <target name="setProps">
                    <property file=""/>
                    <condition property="">
                                           <isset property="wo.wosystemroot"/>
                                           <isset property="wo.wolocalroot"/>
                       <fail message="Could not find
    " if=""/>
                    <property name="install.dir"
            <!-- basic initializations -->
            <target name="init.install">
                    <property name="dest.dir" value="${install.dir}"/>
            <target name="">
                    <property name="dest.dir" value="/Local/Library/Frameworks"/>
            <!-- woproject tasks -->
            <target name="build.woapp" depends="setProps">
                    <woapplication name="${}" stdFrameworks="false"
                                <classes dir="${classes.dir}">
                                <wsresources dir=".">
                                        <include name="addYourWebServerResourcesHere"/>
                                    <exclude name="**/*.woa/**"/>
                                <resources dir=".">
                                    <include name="Properties"/>
                                        <include name="**/*.eomodeld/"/>
                                        <include name="**/*.d2wmodel"/>
                                    <include name="**/*.wo/"/>
                                    <include name="**/*.api"/>
                                    <include name="**/*.strings"/>
                                    <exclude name="**/*.eomodeld~/"/>
                                    <exclude name="**/*.woa/**"/>
                            <frameworks root="${wo.wosystemroot}">
                                               <includesfile name="ant.frameworks.wo.wosystemroot"/>
                                <frameworks root="${wo.wolocalroot}">
                                               <includesfile name="ant.frameworks.wo.wolocalroot"/>
                            <frameworks root="${user.home}">
                                               <includesfile name="ant.frameworks.user.home"/>
                            <otherclasspath root="${wo.wosystemroot}">
                                               <includesfile name="ant.classpaths.wo.wosystemroot"/>
                            <lib dir=".">
                                    <include name="Add .jar's that should be copied in the woa."/>
                                    <exclude name="**/*.woa/**"/>

            <!-- optional targets -->
            <!-- copy strings files -->
            <target name="copy.strings">
                         <copy todir="${dest.dir}/${}.woa/Contents/Resources">
                                    <fileset dir="." casesensitive="yes">
                                    <include name="*.strings"/>
                                     <include name="**/*.strings"/>
                              <mapper type="flatten"/>



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