Re: "Cannot use rapid turnaround." when projectbuilder is not running

From: Kaj Hejer (
Date: Fri Jul 25 2003 - 07:52:46 EDT

  • Next message: Harald Niesche: "Re: incremental builder: *~ -> build/myapp.woa"

    At 12:36 +0200 26-05-2003, Ulrich Köster wrote:
    >Hi Kaj,
    >you can use rapid turnaround. It doesen't matter if PBX is running
    >or not. The output from the WOApplication is a little bit confusing.
    >Anyway you should see lines like this: *** The application has found
    >the following opened, development-mode ProjectBuilderWO projects:
    >If not make sure that the projects(frameworks) are referenced by the


    Thank you for answering!

    Rapid turnaround does not work in the meaning that changes I do in a
    components is not beeing used in the application before the next
    time I rebuild my project. Restaring the application does not make th
    changes visable.

    I'm using the incremental builder.

    It seems like the components under
    build/nettskjema.woa/Contents/Resources is not updated by the
    incremental builder. Should they, or has rapid turnaround have some
    other way of finding the updated versions of the components, f.x. by
    using NSProjectSearchPath? I guess is has :)

    In the run-settings, under the argument tab I have set
    workingdirectory to my build/myapp.woa directory (under the
    projectdirectory -

    Do I in some way need to set NSProjectSearchPath? Anything I'm missing here? :)

    I don't see the message you describe above ("The application has found...").

    I'm on osx 10.2.6, eclipse 2.1.1 and WOLips 1.0.4

    I get the following output when starting my application from eclipse:

    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOMaxIOBufferSize=8196
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMin=16
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOSocketMonitorSleepTime=50
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WODirectConnectEnabled=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOIncludeCommentsInResponse=false
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCount=8
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main>
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOIDE=WOLips
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WODebuggingEnabled=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOListenQueueSize=128
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOMissingResourceSearchEnabled=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOSessionStoreClassName=WOServerSessionStore
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOContextClassName=WOContext
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOCachingEnabled=false
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAcceptMalformedCookies=false
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> NSProjectSearchPath=("..")
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOMonitorEnabled=false
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAllowRapidTurnaround=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOGenerateWSDL=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMax=256
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=false
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAdaptor=WODefaultAdaptor
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOSessionTimeOut=3600
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOMaxSocketIdleTime=180000
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WODefaultUndoStackLimit=10
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAutoOpenClientApplication=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAutoOpenInBrowser=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOApplicationBaseURL=/WebObjects
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOMaxHeaders=200
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOLifebeatEnabled=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAllowsCacheControlHeader=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOSMTPHost=smtp
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOAdditionalAdaptors=()
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOFrameworksBaseURL=/WebObjects/Frameworks
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOLifebeatDestinationPort=1085
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOPort=8888
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOLifebeatInterval=30
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WOSocketCacheSize=100
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> WODisplayExceptionPages=true
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> ------------------------
    [2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> Created adaptor of class
    WODefaultAdaptor on port 8888 and address
    with WOWorkerThread minimum of 16 and maximum of 256
    [2003-07-25 13:33:04 CEST] <main> NSBundle is unable to find
    "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the main bundle. Ignoring optional
    configuration file.
    [2003-07-25 13:33:04 CEST] <main> Creating LifebeatThread now with:
    nettskjema 8888 1085 30000
    Welcome to nettskjema ()
    [2003-07-25 13:33:05 CEST] <main> Opening application's URL in browser:
    [2003-07-25 13:33:05 CEST] <main> Waiting for requests...

    -Kaj :)

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Fri Jul 25 2003 - 07:50:07 EDT