Re: "Cannot use rapid turnaround." when projectbuilder is not running

From: Kaj Hejer (
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 15:44:30 EDT

  • Next message: Kaj Hejer: "Re: "Cannot use rapid turnaround." when projectbuilder is not running"

    At 13:52 +0200 25-07-2003, Kaj Hejer wrote:
    >In the run-settings, under the argument tab I have set
    >workingdirectory to my build/myapp.woa directory (under the
    >projectdirectory -

    >[2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> NSProjectSearchPath=("..")


    Is this the correct value for NSProjectSearchPath when staring an
    application for eclipse?

    Is it correct that in earlier versions of WOLips the .woa directory
    was directly under the projectdirectory while it now (1.0.4) is under
    a "build"? Can it be that NSProjectSearchPath should be "../.."?

    In the WO tab in the run-window I have

      -NSProjectSearchPath "(GeneratedByWOLips)"

    -Kaj :)

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