Re: "Cannot use rapid turnaround." when projectbuilder is not running

From: Kaj Hejer (
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 16:28:49 EDT

  • Next message: Harald Niesche: "Re: "Cannot use rapid turnaround." when projectbuilder is not running"

    At 21:44 +0200 28-07-2003, Kaj Hejer wrote:
    >At 13:52 +0200 25-07-2003, Kaj Hejer wrote:
    >>In the run-settings, under the argument tab I have set
    >>workingdirectory to my build/myapp.woa directory (under the
    >>projectdirectory -
    >>[2003-07-25 13:33:03 CEST] <main> NSProjectSearchPath=("..")
    >Is this the correct value for NSProjectSearchPath when staring an
    >application for eclipse?
    >Is it correct that in earlier versions of WOLips the .woa directory
    >was directly under the projectdirectory while it now (1.0.4) is
    >under a "build"? Can it be that NSProjectSearchPath should be
    >In the WO tab in the run-window I have
    > -NSProjectSearchPath "(GeneratedByWOLips)"


    Just me talking to myself again ;-)

    Now I tried to change workingdirectory in the run-settings, under the
    argument tab from
    /Users/kajh/src/webobjects/nettskjema/build/nettskjema.woa to

    NOW rapid turnaround started to work!

    But... Now the following statement does not find the wod-file and
    returns nothing.


    When I change the workingdirectory back to
    bytesForResourcePath work again but then I have no rapid turnaround.

    I got a tip from Chuck (ref. the email I incluce bellow) that I might
    have to add the jar for the project to the classpath. Since I use
    incremental builder I added the following as a folder in the
    run->classpath tab:


    but that did not help.

    Any ideas on how to get BOTH rapid turnaround and
    NSBundle.mainBundle().bytesForResourcePath to work at the same time?

    --- begin forwarded text

    Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 10:13:35 -0700
    To: Kaj Hejer <>,
    From: Chuck Hill <>
    Subject: Re: Eclipse and NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePathsForResources


    Two things to check / try:

    1. In the lancher make sure the working directory is set to MyApp.woa

    2. Add the built jar (MyApp.woa/Contents/Resources/Java/myapp.jar) to the
    Launcher's class path.

    NSBundle uses some very funky methods to find resources at runtime.

    I've also has some problems related to this with the incremental builder.
    I can't recall the specifics. I think it was that the incremental builder
    only builds code but not resource changes etc. You could also try doing a
    full Ant build and see if that moves things into the right place.


    At 06:21 PM 19/07/2003 +0200, Kaj Hejer wrote:
    >When running my application from Eclipse (Eclipse 2.1.1, WOOLipse
    >1.0.4, osx 10.2.6) the following return null:
    >NSBundle.mainBundle().resourcePathsForResources(null, null)
    >but when building my app with ant and start it from the commandline I
    >het what I expect to see:
    >("Nonlocalized.lproj/Admin.api", "Nonlocalized.lproj/Arkiv.api",
    >.... and so on.
    >I'm using incremental build.
    >Am I doing something wrong here since I get null when running from
    >inside eclipse? Is it possible to get this to return what I should :)
    >when running the application from inside Eclipse?
    >-Kaj :)


    Chuck Hill Global Village Consulting Inc.

    --- end forwarded text

    -kaj :)

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Mon Jul 28 2003 - 16:25:23 EDT