Re: Component localization in WOLips ?

From: Christopher Pavicich (
Date: Fri Aug 29 2003 - 08:31:15 EDT

  • Next message: Paolo Sommaruga: "Re: Component localization in WOLips ?"


    Are you trying to localize a WO Component? Eclipse / WOLips doesn't
    support it per se, this is more a feature of WebObjects.

    You should read the documentation on WOResource manager, as the rest of
    this email was written shortly after I woke up,
    and mostly from memory...

    The support for this in WO is based on loading resources from Language
    specific locations. The easiest way to do this is:

    1. Create a folder for the language that you are localizing to called
    [LANGUAGE_NAME].lproj in the Resources (i think?) folder.
    2. Build a localized version of your component in that folder.
    3. Set the language on the WOSession using the setLanguages() method.

    If a localized copy of the component exists it will be used, it not it
    will default to using the copy at the base of
    the resources directory.
    If you don't want to make a zillion copies of all of your components.
    You can do the same sort of thing, but you strings files
    in the [LANGUAGE_NAME].lproj folder. Instead of having hardcoded text
    in your component, you provide keys that will allow the
    WOResource manager to lookup the correct value. The lookup is done via
    the API:

    WOResourceManager: String stringForKey(key, tableName, defaultValue,
    frameworkName, languageList)


    You may also want to look into the Localization toolkit provided by
    ProjectWONDER. It looks like really good stuff.


    You may also want to punt on WOResource manager, and simply use java
    ResourceBundles. The gist of the resource bundle is that
    just about anything can be stored in a jar file, and its trivial to
    lookup the content you want, if you know the correct path to reference
    it by.

    Hopefully, one day we will see the WO and Java methods of resource
    management merged.


    Please if I have badly botched anything, I would ask the list to
    administer a stern beating and correct me.


    On Friday, August 29, 2003, at 5:36 AM, Paolo Sommaruga wrote:

    > Hi,
    > there is a way in eclipse/WOLips to localize a Component ? I have look
    > for such feature and I hav'nt found it. Perhaps I miss some piece
    > Thanks
    > Paolo Sommaruga

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