Re: Launching EOModeler from the folder level & Rapid Turn Around for Frameworks

From: Harald Niesche (
Date: Sat Aug 30 2003 - 13:56:38 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Say hello to projects"

    Kaj Hejer wrote:

    > At 14:23 -0400 29-08-2003, Watkins, Garry wrote:
    >> Is there any way to automatically launch eo modeler from the folder
    >> level? It is quite a hassle to find the index.eomodeld file to launch
    >> it when you have a large number of entities.
    >> How do I get wolips to work in rapid turn around (RTA) mode for
    >> frameworks? For instance I have an app called App, and it uses
    >> framework Frame. How do I get WOLips to pick up changes in the
    >> framework Frame in RTA mode?

    I think you should use the WO Application launcher of WOLips. If the
    path to your workspace or project name contains dashes, the projects
    will not automatically be added to the NSProjectSearchPath (because WO
    doesn't support '-' in project names, I hear), you should then set it
    like this:

    -NSProjectSearchPath ("../..", "../../../Frame",

    (There should be no linebreak here, adding the round brackets is important.)

    > I'm not sure about this but I _think_ this will work if you add the
    > jar-file (or Resources/Java folder if you use incremental builder) to
    > the runtime classpath, ...

    That's important, too, especially if you have your component's classes
    in packages.


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