Say hello to projects

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Sun Aug 31 2003 - 14:17:41 EDT


the switch to the new project structure is done.

- It may take up to 24 hours until the files are available trough
pserver access.

You have to create a file to use all features.
Description of the available properties:
eclipse.home = /Volumes/Tools/eclipse/versions/2.1.1/eclipse #The path
to the eclipse folder. Required to build wolips.
test.eclipse.home = /Volumes/Tools/eclipse/testversions/2.1.1/eclipse
#The path to eclipse folder for unit tests. Make sure that this is not
your default eclipse version. The script deletes all existing wolips
plugins and features. Required for the wolips unit tests.
os = macosx # The os value of eclipse. Required for the wolips unit
ws = carbon # The ws value of eclipse. Required for the wolips unit
tests. =
org.eclipse.swt.carbon_2.1.1/os/macosx/ppc/ #The path to the swt
library folder. Only required for the wolips unit tests.
no.clean = true #Skip clean before build. Any value set to no.clean
(true,false, foo a.s.o) forces a skip of the clean target.
#compiler options
compile.deprecation = on #turn on deprecation
compile.debug = on #turn on debug informnation
compile.optimize = off #turn on optimize

None of the properties are mandatory. You have to set at least the
eclipse.home property to build wolips.

Available targets in the main build script:
         * 1. help - prints this message.
         * 2. all - build all projects.
         * 3. dist - build distribution.
         * 4. clean - cleans temporary directories.
         * 5. test - Run JUnit tests.
         * 6. check - Stores the wo specific properties in a
         * 7. .ds_store - delete .DS_store files
         * 8. buildserver - Target for the buildserver

The target clean is excecuted even if the no.clean property is set.

All output goes into the temp folder. The temp folder has several
build #Plugins and features from wolips and woproject ready to use.
classes #Output from the compiler
dist #WOLips update site ready to use.
doc #Output from anakia
tests #Unittests output.
testclasses #Compiler output WOProject test cases

Renamed build-user-home-wobuild-properties.xml to woproperties.xml. The
woproperties.xml ant script is located in the buildscripts folder.

Our buildserver runs every day when the cvs has changes The buildserver
sets the version in the file buildserver.version on each build. This
version is used to build all projects. It's planned to rsync the
results from the buildserver on to give you access
to nightly builds and the test results.

The fourth segment in the version number is the build id.

The eclipse version on the buildserver is 2.1.1. I'll add 3.0.0 in the
near future.

The project woenvironment is intended for the stuff used by wolips and


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