Missing full classpath using woproject

From: Marc Respass (mar..arcrespass.com)
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 16:52:04 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Missing full classpath using woproject"


    Using woproject_1.0.7.23, I am trying to write a build script to build
    my applications. Eventually, the script will run on Solaris and it will
    checkout from CVS, build, deploy, then clean up. So far, things are
    very good but my application's classpath is not complete and I don't
    know how to fix it.

    I used this for woapplication

    <woapplication name="${project.name}" stdFrameworks="true" chmod="+x"

    then copied the framework information from the WOLips build.xml so I
    have an entry like below for each library directory.

    <frameworks root="${wo.wolocalroot}">
                    <includesfile name="ant.frameworks.wo.wolocalroot"/>

    Maybe that is the problem? The example files are very small and did not
    use the same things that the WOLips build.xml file does.

    Anyone have any ideas? I'm really close to having a nice build script.
    No more will the admins hassle me because I didn't give them explicit
    instructions! :)


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