RE: WOGen task

From: Pierre Bernard (
Date: Wed Oct 08 2003 - 09:12:27 EDT

  • Next message: Pierre Bernard: "RE: WOGen task"

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    quite some time ago I send a message to this list discussing the limitation of WOGen I had encountered. You might find it in the archives by searching for my email addresses:,

    I ended up staying with good trusty EOGenerator which actually is pretty easy to call from within the Ant build file:

                    <echo>Generating eos...</echo>
                    <property name="eoCommonArgs"
                            value="-destination src -templatedir eotemplates -force -packagedirs -model ... "
                    <property name="eoImplArgs"
                            value="-impl -prefix Impl -javaTemplate EnterpriseImpl.eotemplate ... ${eoCommonArgs}"
                    <property name="eoPlainEntities"
                    <exec dir="." executable="eogenerator"
                            os="Windows 2000" failonerror="true"
                            <arg line="${eoImplArgs} ${eoPlainEntities}" />


    Got a hang for movies?

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Bill Michell []
    Sent: Wednesday, October 08, 2003 2:56 PM
    Subject: WOGen task

    I'm experimenting with using WOGen to build my EO classes.

    I'm trying to model inheritance through the single table model (keep things simple). However, the classes generated by WOGen do not seem to model the inheritance properly; my sub-classes all say "extends EOGenericRecord" rather than "extends [parent custom class]"

    Am I doing something stupid? Or can WOGen not respect the parent key in the .plist file for the EO yet?

    Bill Michell

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