Embed only some frameworks when builing a woapplication?

From: Kaj Hejer (kaj.heje..sit.uio.no)
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 07:07:54 EST

  • Next message: Watkins, Garry: "Off the Subject, but a Simple Question about WO"


    When building a woapplication with ant you can embed all the frameworks with

       <frameworks root="${wo.localroot}" embed="true">

    But what if you want to embed only some of your local frameworks when
    bulling your application?

    The solution was to use two frameworks-elements:

                 <!-- the frameworks I don't want to embed -->
                 <frameworks root="${wo.localroot}">
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/uiofw.framework"/>
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/utilityfw.framework"/>

                 <!-- the frameworks I want to embed -->
                 <frameworks root="${wo.localroot}" embed="true">
                     <include name="Library/Frameworks/ERExtensions.framework" />

    It is good to be able to someetimes bring solutions too, not only
    questions ;-)

    -Kaj :)

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