Re: ResourceManager-woes (and a feature request)

From: Harald Niesche (
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 04:49:55 EST

  • Next message: Alexander Schneider: "Re: ResourceManager-woes (and a feature request)"

    Alexander Schneider wrote:
    > That doesn´t work for me. Here is the extract from the build.xml:

    You are of course right -- the incremental builder flattens everything
    but Ant builds don't.

    You can work around that by having several <wsresources> tasks like so:

    <wsresources dir="web">
         <include name="**"/>
         <exclude name="img/**"/>
    <wsresources dir="web/img">
         <include name="**"/>

    I realize that this is not an option if you have more than one or two
    folders to be flattened.

    If you still want/need to patch WOProject -- the flattening happens in
    the nested class WOFileNameMapper in
    org.objectstyle.woproject.ant.WOMapper and it usually only flattens
    certain file types (*.wo, *.api, *.eomodel, *.strings and stuff inside
    *.lproj folders).


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