Re: Newbie Help: Confused on WOProject and WOLips

From: Chuck Hill (
Date: Tue Dec 02 2003 - 00:31:39 EST

  • Next message: Bob McCormick: "Re: Newbie Help: Confused on WOProject and WOLips"

    Hi Bob,

    I'm not too sure what Cayenne is used for beyond the wogen Ant task.
    Search for cayenne.jar under eclipse/plugins and you'll find it.

    The problem with WOBuilder means that it can't find the source which I
    think means that your PB.project file is not up to date or has syntax
    errors (beware the extra comma!). I've had that happen once in a while
    after I've been fiddling around. You should be able to right click on the
    project in Eclipse and select WOLips -> Update PB.project to fix this. You
    will need to close and open WOBuilder after that. I think.


    At 09:20 PM 01/12/2003 -0800, Bob McCormick wrote:
    Hi Chuck,

    Ah, MANY thanks that helps a ton. I saw that WOProject was in the
    'org.objectstyle.wolips.woproject_1.0.7.40' &
    'org.objectstyle.wolips.woproject.ant_1.0.7.40' plugin directory and that
    was what got me confused. (I suggest to the powers that be that they add a
    bit more explanative text regarding the WOProject download as it's not very
    clear at all.)

    I do notice however that the 'cayenne-1.0b3x.jar' that is in the WOProject
    download doesn't appear to be anywhere in the WOLips plugins. (Unless I'm
    not seeing it.) Do I need that for anything?

    Finally, everything seems to be working fine here except for when I try to
    Add Keys or Actions from within WOBuilder. The dropdown isn't highlighted
    and when I do a save, I get a little pink popup that says something about
    not being able to find the project. Any thoughts as to why I can't use
    WOBuilder - I was under the impression that WOBuilder would update the
    appropriate code in Eclipse just like in xCode. (Or do you Eclipse gurus
    even mess with WOBuilder and make the appropriate code entries by hand?)

    Thanks for your help.

    Best regards...Bob



    Chuck Hill Global Village Consulting Inc.

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