Src attachment with framework: Problem

From: Benoit Mangez (
Date: Sun Dec 28 2003 - 12:33:15 EST

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: Src attachment with framework: Problem"


    I try to attach src files to a jar inside a framework.

    I do the following :
            In "MyWOApp Java Build Path > WOFrameworks", I expand myframework.jar,
    I edit "src attachment: (none)" and I set it to "MyFramework/src"
            I close "Project Properties".
            Then I reopen "Project Properties" to see if my changes are still
    there, but they aren't...
    My problem is (of course) to directly open the correct src file when I
    click somewhere in a stacktrace... is there another way to do this ?

    Config : Eclipse 3.0, WOLips, MacOSX 10.2.8

    If I do the same things with a non WOLips project, it works !



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