Re: SSDD & frameworks

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 08:08:30 EST

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Default build.xml: Question"

    Hi Clark,

    you have to use frameworks element inside the WOApplication task.

    To be more detailed:

    If you embed a framework with in a WOApplication, woproject copies the
    framework into the Libray folder of the Application and modifies the
    classpath.txt to include the framework from within the application.

    The ssdd target copies the stuff build by the WOApplication task. If
    your WOApplication has allready some embeded frameworks you are fine.

    Your dist folder should include two folders, the "standard" woa and the
    "ssdd" woa.


    Am 04.02.2004 um 12:47 schrieb Clark, Igor:

    > Hi Ulrich,
    >> To embed your frameworks use the embed tag.
    >> The tag also updates the classpath.
    > It seems that the "frameworks" task does not work in the ssdd target. I
    > added this to the ssdd target:
    > <frameworks root="${wo.localroot}" embed="true">
    > <include name="myframework1.framework"/>
    > <include name="myframework2.framework"/>
    > </frameworks>
    > And I got this:
    > [frameworks] BUILD FAILED:
    > file:C:/eclipse-2.1.2/workspace/myapp/build.xml:198: Could not create
    > task
    > or type of type: frameworks.
    > I tried the above in the war target and it immediately died with
    > BUILD FAILED: file:C:/eclipse-2.1.2/workspace/SAEREC/build.xml:111:
    > The <war> task doesn't support the nested "frameworks" element.
    > so it seems that "frameworks" is expected to work in "ssdd" but does
    > not.
    > Any ideas?
    > Cheers
    > Igor.

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