debug problems on a dual G5 2GHZ

From: David Teran (
Date: Mon Feb 16 2004 - 07:40:17 EST

  • Next message: Christian Mittendorf: "Re: debug problems on a dual G5 2GHZ"


    i would like to ask everyone who uses a dual G5 with 2 GHZ (maybe 1.8
    is also OK) to check if debugging works fine or not with the 3.x
    version of eclipse. I am currently using 3M7 but it does also occur
    with older integration builds and maybe also with 2.1.x.

    Problem description:
    The debugger stopps the application at a specified breakpoint but the
    java code window does not reflect this. I cannot step until with the
    debugger because all threads are running, at least that whats the gui
    tells me. But the debugger stopped at the specified breakpoint the
    thread. When i 'pause' the current worker thread i can see the
    stacktrace to point to the code line where i defined the breakpoint but
    stepping is not possible.

    Workaround (no kidding!):
    Simply install CHUD dev tool (common hardware understanding ?) from
    xcode distribution and turn off one CPU with the system prefence pane
    named CPU. Then debugging works as expected and very stable.

    I would like to know if anyone else can verify this problem because
    then apple can reproduce it, too and then i will file a bug.

    regards David

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