BUILD FAILED when trying to build from cvs (WizardsTestSuite)

From: Kaj Hejer (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 10:46:06 EST

  • Next message: Kaj Hejer: "WOLips missing from menu (Eclipse 3.0M7/WOLips"


    When I now update woproject from cvs and try to build with ant I get
    the following errormessage:

         [javac] Compiling 4 source files to
    package org.objectstyle.wolips.wizards does not exist
         [javac] import org.objectstyle.wolips.wizards.WizardsTestSuite;
         [javac] ^
    cannot resolve symbol
         [javac] symbol : variable WizardsTestSuite
         [javac] location: class org.objectstyle.wolips.tests.suite.AutomatedSuite
         [javac] suite.addTest(WizardsTestSuite.suite());
         [javac] ^
         [javac] 2 errors

    Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

    I'm on osx 10.3.2 with java 1.4.1.

    -Kaj :)cd

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