woproject and IntelliJ IDEA?

From: Stefan Kreutter (sklist..bjectfarm.org)
Date: Sat Feb 21 2004 - 06:06:45 EST

  • Next message: Harald Niesche: "Re: woproject and IntelliJ IDEA?"

    Hi there,

    is it possible to use woproject's ant task with other IDEs like
    IntelliJ's IDEA (see http://www.intellij.com)? I managed to run the ant
    script from within Idea after declaring the wpapplication task in the
    build.xml file. However launching the build apps fails because of an
    incomplete classpath. After fixing the classpath the
    WOHTMLTemplateParser complains that it can't find a component
    definition. I had no time yet to dig deeper into that issue and just
    thought to ask on the list if this is intended to work or if woproject
    is tied to Eclipse. The project I'm working with was created by

    Thanks for woproject it is really cool. I worked a lot with IDEA and I
    like it a lot more than Eclips but it is a commercial product.


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