problems with the latest integration build

From: David Teran (
Date: Sun May 02 2004 - 13:18:58 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: resources"


    i tried to compile the latest CVS version from the eclipse_3_0_0
    branch. Everything works fine except that the build.xml in the plugins
    subfolder is missing some plugins. For example the
    org.objectstyle.wolips_1.1.0.48 plugin is not being compiled nor is it
    copied into the distribution. After adding the plugins to the build.xml
    file in the plugin folder i could compile and install wolips,
    using the integration build from 27/04. But a lot of things do not
    work, the new app wizzard does not add the WOLips builders and the
    related view stuff is missing, too.

    Is this a known problem or am i doing something wrong?

    regards David

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