
From: Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch (webobject..edshed.net)
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 22:57:33 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Updating PB.project hangs Eclipse3-M9"

    Greetings all,

    I checked in a new WOProject task: XcodeIndex. It's just like PBXIndex,

    * The task supports a new <sources> element. Use the element to point to
    your .java files. This gives XcodeIndex enough information to write out a
    .xcode file that should solve the WOBuilder "could not open source file"
    error. Just open your .wo's from within Xcode. Hmm, maybe only your first
    .wo is needed. I haven't checked.

    * Xcode doesn't complain about generated projects being "old" when you
    open them any more.

    I use it like this:

    <typedef name="frameworks"
    <frameworks root="/System/Library/Frameworks" id="standard.frameworks">
      <include name="JavaFoundation.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaEOControl.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaEOAccess.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaWebObjects.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaWOExtensions.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaXML.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaJDBCAdaptor.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaDirectToWeb.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaDTWGeneration.framework"/>
      <include name="JavaEOProject.framework"/>
    <frameworks root=".." id="developer.frameworks" embed="true">
      <include name="MySQLPrototypes/out/MySQLPrototypes.framework"/>
      <include name="Seppuku/out/Seppuku.framework"/>

    <taskdef name="xcodeindex"
    <xcodeindex projectFile="./Xcode.xcode">
      <resources dir=".">
        <include name="*.wo"/>
        <include name="*.eomodeld"/>
        <include name="*.api"/>
      <sources dir="${src}">
        <include name="*.java"/>
      <frameworks refid="standard.frameworks"/>
      <frameworks refid="developer.frameworks"/>

    | Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch http://rentzsch.com
    | Red Shed Software http://redshed.net
    | "better" necessarily means "different"

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Fri May 28 2004 - 22:57:37 EDT