Eclipse RC2 Compatibility/Classpath confusion

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Thu Jun 17 2004 - 07:58:01 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: Eclipse RC2 Compatibility/Classpath confusion"


    my old M8 workspace got so instable that I'd thought I might bite the
    bullet and upgrade to RC2. The good news is that WOLips now compiles
    (as opposed to .55 on RC1).

    The bad news is that the class files are no longer copied over to
    build/<sometarget>/Resources/Java during incremental build, which makes
    it impossible to run apps because none of the component classes are
    found. Do you have any idea why they are not copied anymore? I already
    changed ant/classpath.include.patternset from '*.class' to
    'bin/*.class' nut nothing helped. The app starts, but complains that
    "Main.class" can't be found - which is understandable as the classpath
    looks like:

    [snip WO stuff]

    When I add the projects DAVExample and DAVObjects again in the Debug
    Classpath panel, I get:
    [snip WO stuff]

    which should work a bit better, as now WO is able to actually find some
    classes with a .woa and .framework in the file name and is thus able to
    set up the bundles. However, as the Resources/Java directories are
    emtpy because the class files are not copied into them, I still get the
    error that Main is a classless component. To prove my point, I copied
    over the class files from DAVExample/bin/ -> Resources/Java manually
    and lo and behold, now the Main page shows...


    - the generated runtime class path *needs* to contain the
    build/MyProject.framework/Resources/Java directory (and .woa)
    - this classpath entry *must* be filled with (hopefully current)
    classes. This is not overly important, because the bin/ entry will have
    the current classes while debugging, and precedes this entry, but it'd
    be better to have only one entry with the current files.
    - I could *not* get the obvious approach of setting the Java Build Path
    to "build/MyProject.woa/Contents/Resources/Java" to work. On starting
    the app, I get a ClassNotFoundException and the directory is indeed

    It's been quite some time since I last tried to hack WOLips and there
    where quite a lot of removals and moves since then, so I don't really
    feel very confident to make crucial changes, but I'd really need WOLips
    working again and preferably on a RCx. After all, the final version of
    3.0 can't be long around the corner...

    Can someone point me as to what to do to get the classpath's working
    again so I can have incremental builds and hotswap?

    There's also a NPE in PBProjectUpdater I fixed (and converted line
    endings) and finally committing changes results in the message below.
    Does someone know how to get the commit mails working again? Or what
    does the message mean?

    Cheers, Anjo

    Checking in
    project/Attic/,v <--
    new revision:; previous revision:
    Generating notification message...
    Generating notification message... done.
    Generating notification message...
    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/cvsroot/woproject/CVSROOT/syncmail", line 322, in ?
       File "/cvsroot/woproject/CVSROOT/syncmail", line 315, in main
         blast_mail(subject, people, specs[1:], contextlines, fromhost)
       File "/cvsroot/woproject/CVSROOT/syncmail", line 221, in blast_mail
         conn.connect(MAILHOST, MAILPORT)
       File "/usr/lib/python2.2/", line 276, in connect
         for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
    socket.gaierror: (-2, 'Name or service not known')

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Thu Jun 17 2004 - 07:58:11 EDT