Re: Eclipse RC2 Compatibility/Classpath confusion

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Sat Jun 19 2004 - 11:37:32 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: Eclipse RC2 Compatibility/Classpath confusion"


    Am 17.06.2004 um 17:14 schrieb Anjo Krank:

    > All,
    > gee, a little bit of digging takes you a looong way:)
    >> The bad news is that the class files are no longer copied over to
    >> build/<sometarget>/Resources/Java during incremental build, which
    >> makes it impossible to run apps because none of the component classes
    >> are found. Do you have any idea why they are not copied anymore?
    > This is because the initial patternset "ant/classes.include.pattern" is
    > *.class
    > *.properties
    > while it probably should be
    > **/*.class
    > *.properties
    > I changed this in CVS.

    Thank you.
    > The matcher is also cached, so you need to restart Eclipse if you make
    > changes. The same probably holds for all the other pattern matchers.

    WOLips reloads the patternset files on modification. (Till today).
    >> When I add the projects DAVExample and DAVObjects again in the Debug
    >> Classpath panel, I get:
    >> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/bin
    >> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/build/
    >> DAVExample.woa/Contents/Resources/Java
    >> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/bin
    >> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/build/
    >> DAVObjects.framework/Resources/Java
    >> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVExample/bin
    >> /Volumes/Home/extras/webobjects/support/DAVObjects/bin
    >> [snip WO stuff]
    > While it is a kludge and makes it impossible to use
    > NSBundle.bundleForClass(), at least this works so that the app can
    > start and display pages and also get fresh classes when debugging.
    > Now, apart from that, WOLips seems to run in Eclipse RC2. What doesn't
    > work (from what I've seen) is the "New Project Wizard", but I don't
    > use it anyway so I can't really comment.

    Any output on the console?


    > Cheers, Anjo

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