Re: Zip creation

From: Koch Emmanuel (
Date: Thu Jul 08 2004 - 04:13:41 EDT

  • Next message: Clark, Igor: "NSBundle run error"

    >> We have many frameworks in developmenet and only a few applications
    >> (stable).
    >> If a framework does not have its jar, it is not recognise by our
    >> version of WOLips.
    >> If we want to benefit, in development, of the incremental build, we
    >> must have a plugin that creates a jar each time the incremental build
    >> is called.
    >> (We cannot link the frameworks between them in the javaBuildPath)
    > This is because the App is not inside Eclipse?

    No. It is because we have so much of frameworks that eclipse run too
    slowly when they are linked together.
    Linking them in the classpath runs eclipse faster.
    Our App is well in Eclipse

    > If I understand correctly, you'd like the incremental builder to be
    > able to create jars? Do you run the incremental build manually? Or do
    > you use auto-build mode?

    This is the auto-build mode. Each time a modification is done in the
    code, the jar is updated.

    Emmanuel Koch

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