Classpath generated by WOApplication Task.

From: Nicolas Parvais (
Date: Thu Jul 15 2004 - 04:30:14 EDT

  • Next message: Till Heikamp: "Re: Eclipse 3.0 Status"


    I deploy WebObjects Applications using Ant. I use the "embed" attribute
    for "frameworks" in the "woapplication" task. This work perfectly and
    frameworks are correctly copied in the .woa.
    My problem is that the application jar is after frameworks jars in
    generated classpath. Then overrided methods in frameworks are used
    instead of those that are in the application.

    In fact to generate this classpath the task use a "directory scanning"
    to locate jar in the woa directory. Then this automatic scan find
    framework jar in the "Contents/Frameworks" directory before application
    jar in the "Resources" directory (I suppose that it scan in alphabetic

    The easy way to correct this problem is to reverse the order of jar in
    the generated classpath. Then the application jar will be before
    frameworks jars in the generated classpath. But this way doesn't solve
    the problem if some methods are overrided in different frameworks. We
    need then a way to specify the order of frameworks in the generated

    What is the best way to include this option in the woapplication task ?

    Nicolas Parvais.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0.0 : Thu Jul 15 2004 - 04:30:19 EDT