Re: Couldn't find the DES algorithm; perhaps you do not have the SunJCE security provider installed properly?

From: Harald Niesche (
Date: Thu Jul 22 2004 - 08:50:29 EDT

  • Next message: Ashley Aitken: "Hint: Unbound classpath variable"

    Hi David,

    David Teran wrote:

    > this message occurs after upgrading from WOLips to beta 1. When
    > i build the app and deploy it i do not get the message. SunJCE.jar is in
    > the classpath which the apps writes out in its constructor.

    SunJCE.jar is the Sun JCE provider?

    > any hints, it would be very good if one can see the launchclasspath
    > generated by WOLips to start an app that is builded with incremental
    > builder.

    You can only see the full classpath in the debug view, choose Properties
    from the context menu on the second node in the tree of your launched
    application (the node that has the path to your java executable as it's
    name (c:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin\javaw.exe in my case)), in the
    properties dialog you can see the full command line of the launched java
    executable. I find it helps to copy the command line into an editor,
    since it's pretty long.

    I suspect a problem with the JRE configuration in Eclipse. Can you check
    the list of system libraries under Window|Preferences|Java|Installed
    JREs ? On my systems I have two entries for jce: ..../jre/lib/jce.jar
    and .../jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar .


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