Re: Couldn't find the DES algorithm; perhaps you do not have the SunJCE security provider installed properly?

From: David Teran (
Date: Thu Jul 22 2004 - 09:48:42 EDT

  • Next message: Ashley Aitken: "WOBuilder and WOLips beta1 (was Re: Convert an existing Xcode project to Eclipse)"


    >> this message occurs after upgrading from WOLips to beta 1.
    >> When i build the app and deploy it i do not get the message.
    >> SunJCE.jar is in the classpath which the apps writes out in its
    >> constructor.
    > SunJCE.jar is the Sun JCE provider?
    do not know, but this file makes problems :-)

    >> any hints, it would be very good if one can see the launchclasspath
    >> generated by WOLips to start an app that is builded with incremental
    >> builder.
    > You can only see the full classpath in the debug view, choose
    > Properties from the context menu on the second node in the tree of
    > your launched application (the node that has the path to your java
    > executable as it's name (c:\java\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin\javaw.exe in my
    > case)), in the properties dialog you can see the full command line of
    > the launched java executable. I find it helps to copy the command line
    > into an editor, since it's pretty long.
    > I suspect a problem with the JRE configuration in Eclipse. Can you
    > check the list of system libraries under
    > Window|Preferences|Java|Installed JREs ? On my systems I have two
    > entries for jce: ..../jre/lib/jce.jar and
    > .../jre/lib/ext/sunjce_provider.jar .

    Its a known 'bug' according to the java bugtracking system. Solution:

    1) open jvm settings in 'window - preferences - java - installed jre's
    - nowyourjvm'
    2) remove sun_jce.jar
    3) add
    sun_jce.jar as external jar to your launch config.

    et voilą, everything works again.

    regards David

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