Re: difficulty to have the source while debugging with classpath container or subproj

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Sat Aug 14 2004 - 08:13:11 EDT

  • Next message: Brendan Duddridge: "Re: SVN and WOLips Error"

    Hi Dominique,

    is the framework in the workspace?

    Am 11.08.2004 um 17:51 schrieb Schoenenberger Dominique:

    > With WOLips, it's possible to use a classpath container for the WO
    > Frameworks, i.e.:
    > In the .classpath, you have:
    > <classpathentry kind="con"
    > path="org.objectstyle.wolips.WO_CLASSPATH/JavaEOAccess/JavaEOControl/
    > JavaFoundation"/>
    > instead of many entries like:
    > <classpathentry kind="var"
    > path="NEXT_ROOT/Library/Frameworks/JavaEOAccess.framework/Resources/
    > Java/javaeoaccess.jar"/>

    We're working on a new classpath container with several imporvements
    like src location, javadoc location, export and ordering.

    > I tried to use it but for debugging, it is always difficult to access
    > the source.
    > With subproj, I have also difficulties because it's not intended to
    > have more than one hierarchy of source (which is the case with
    > subproj).

    Who said that it's no intended?


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