Re: SVN and WOLips Error

From: Harald Niesche (
Date: Sun Aug 15 2004 - 15:53:50 EDT

  • Next message: Brendan Duddridge: "Re: SVN and WOLips Error"

    Brendan Duddridge wrote:

    > Well, fortunately when you do an Install... build, it does copy over all the
    > resources. There must be something wrong with the Incremental Builder.

    What's in your pattern files? There should be a bunch of files called
    [ws]resources.[in|ex]clude.patternset in a folder called woproject --
    what's inside those?

    > I deleted all my bin and build directories for all my frameworks and
    > application projects and did a full rebuild. My components were copied into
    > my Resources folder within the frameworks folder, but nothing from the
    > PB.project's WOAPP_RESOURCES was copied to the build directory.

    That's not actually the way it works -- what's in the PB.project is only
    important for the WO tools, the incremental builder only looks at the
    above mentioned patternset files.


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