Re: WOLips and WONDER

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Tue Aug 31 2004 - 06:16:54 EDT

  • Next message: Felix Vogt: "Problem with WO ClassPath Variables / Eclipse 3.0 Windows"

    Anjo Krank wrote:

    > Am 31.08.2004 um 11:30 schrieb Guido Neitzer:
    > > How can I tell Eclipse that I want to use the
    > > "/System/Library/JavaWOExtensions.framework" and not the one that
    > > comes with WONDER?
    > Why in heavens name would you want to do that?


    Because there is a small problem with WOBatchNavigationBar in the
    framework that comes with wonder (pluralName doesn't work, it always shows
    up as "item(s)" - where item is the objectname).

    And I don't know whether other problems can occur.

    Is there any documentation on what is changed in this version of the

    > > Is there any other way besides deleting it?
    > Apart from renaming it, no.

    Okay. So I have to delete it to get the "default" behaviour that I expect
    when I include this framework. It's a little bit confusing that this
    version is included automatically, only because it is there.


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