Re: WOUnitTest

From: Harald Niesche (
Date: Sun Sep 05 2004 - 15:48:49 EDT

  • Next message: Brendan Duddridge: "Re: WOUnitTest"

    Brendan Duddridge wrote:
    > Hi Geoff,
    > Thanks for the tip. I suspected that was the case, but the superclass of the
    > setup method in WOUTTestCase seems to have code that should load in the
    > models, but I don't think it goes far enough.

    I suspect your problem could also be that the JUnit launch config
    doesn't do everything the WO launch config does for you: working dir
    must be the .woa Folder (I think, I'd have to check the source code) and
    you need the Framework and Application Resources/Java folders on the
    classpath before everything else (the NSBundle stuff relies on this).

    Can you try launching your unit test (with a proper main() method) as a
    WO application?

    PS: I posted a recipe for launching WO apps quite some time ago (before
    we had the WO Application launch config), but I couldn't find it just now.

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