Solved: Application doesnt run within eclipse

From: Thomas Fritsche (
Date: Thu Sep 09 2004 - 08:07:20 EDT

  • Next message: Ulrich Köster: "Re: WOLips hangs on "create Resources/Java/...""

    Hey Dirk,

    choosing the incremental builder for the frameworks was successful.

    I´d also prefer to use eclipse 3, but we are dealing with the "Waiting
    for virtual machine to exit" Bug
    (the fix is not in a WOLips release) and WOLips is still in beta
    stadium, so we decided not to change...

    Thanks a lot,

    > Thomas,
    > Are you using packages? Are you using incremental or ant builder?
    > Does it work if you choose the other builder? Are the frameworks in
    > the Java Build Path? These are only some suggestions because we don't
    > use eclipse 2.x any more.
    > Cheers,
    > Dirk
    > Am 09.09.2004 um 12:13 schrieb Thomas Fritsche:
    >> Hi Dirk,
    >> the application and session classes are not in the frameworks, but
    >> they extend classes from a framework.
    >> The defaultAction is called properly, i think that WO dont find the
    >> WOComponents in the framework, but
    >> the NSProjectSearchPath is generated correctly.
    >> any ideas?
    >> thx for your answer,
    >> -thomas-
    >>> Hi Thomas,
    >>> Are the Application/Session classes in a framework? That is
    >>> unsupported by WOLips (as far as I know).
    >>> The stack trace only says there is a NullPointerException in your
    >>> DirectAction class. Can you add a log statement to the
    >>> defaultAction to see if the DirectAction is called?
    >>> Hope that helps,
    >>> Dirk
    >>> Am 09.09.2004 um 10:13 schrieb Thomas Fritsche:
    >>>> Hi,
    >>>> if i call our applications from command line all works fine,
    >>>> now i defined a WOApplication in the Run dialog in eclipse and a
    >>>> NullPointerException is thrown.
    >>>> It seems that WO cant find the main class (Application).
    >>>> Also WOLips did not create a WOUserDirectory, so
    >>>> i guess it is a problem with the PB.project file - but all looks
    >>>> fine.
    >>>> I've cleaned all projects and rebuilt, but without success.
    >>>> Configuration: Eclipse 2.1.3, WOLips, WO 5.2.3, Win2000
    >>>> Thanks,
    >>>> -thomas-
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOMaxIOBufferSize=8196
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMin=16
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOSocketMonitorSleepTime=50
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WODirectConnectEnabled=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOIncludeCommentsInResponse=false
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCount=8
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main>
    >>>> WOAdaptorURL=
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOIDE=WOLips
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WODebuggingEnabled=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOListenQueueSize=128
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOMissingResourceSearchEnabled=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOApplicationClassName=Application
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main>
    >>>> WOSessionStoreClassName=WOServerSessionStore
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOContextClassName=WOContext
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOCachingEnabled=false
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOAcceptMalformedCookies=false
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main>
    >>>> NSProjectSearchPath=(..,../..,D:/project/work/secuSuite/src/
    >>>> Frameworks/IASComponents,D:/project/work/secuSuite/src/Frameworks/
    >>>> IASUserManagement,D:/project/work/secuSuite/src/Frameworks/
    >>>> SRTEnterpriseObjects,D:/project/work/secuSuite/src/Frameworks/
    >>>> SRTExportFramework)
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOMonitorEnabled=false
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOAllowRapidTurnaround=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WORootDirectory=C:/apple
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOGenerateWSDL=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOWorkerThreadCountMax=256
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main>
    >>>> WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=false
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOAdaptor=WODefaultAdaptor
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOSessionTimeOut=3600
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WORoot=C:/apple
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOMaxSocketIdleTime=180000
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WODefaultUndoStackLimit=10
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOAutoOpenClientApplication=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOAutoOpenInBrowser=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOApplicationBaseURL=/WebObjects
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOMaxHeaders=200
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOLifebeatEnabled=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOAllowsCacheControlHeader=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOSMTPHost=smtp
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main>
    >>>> WOFrameworksBaseURL=/WebObjects/Frameworks
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOAdditionalAdaptors=()
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOLifebeatDestinationPort=1085
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOPort=-1
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOLifebeatInterval=30
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOSocketCacheSize=100
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WOUserDirectory=
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> WODisplayExceptionPages=true
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:41 CEST] <main> ------------------------
    >>>> ..
    >>>> ..
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:50 CEST] <WorkerThread0>
    >>>> <com.webobjects.appserver._private.WODirectActionRequestHandler>:
    >>>> Exception while handling action named "default" on action class
    >>>> "null" :java.lang.NullPointerException
    >>>> [2004-09-09 09:39:50 CEST] <WorkerThread0>
    >>>> java.lang.NullPointerException
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentDefinition.<init>(WOComp
    >>>> on
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication._componentDefinitionFromClassN
    >>>> am ed(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication._componentDefinition(WOApplica
    >>>> ti
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLWebObjectTag._componentRefere
    >>>> nc eWithClassNameDeclarationAndTemplate(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLWebObjectTag._elementWithDecl
    >>>> ar ation(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLWebObjectTag.dynamicElement(W
    >>>> OH
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLTemplateParser.didParseClosin
    >>>> gW ebObjectTag(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLParser.didParseClosingWebObje
    >>>> ct Tag(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLParser.endOfWebObjectTag(WOHT
    >>>> ML
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLParser.parseHTML(WOHTMLParser
    >>>> .j ava:67)
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLTemplateParser.parseHTML(WOHT
    >>>> ML
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOHTMLTemplateParser.parse(WOHTMLTe
    >>>> mp
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOParser.templateWithHTMLAndDeclara
    >>>> ti on(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOComponentDefinition.template(WOCo
    >>>> mp
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.templateWithName(WOComponent.jav
    >>>> a: 597)
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.template(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.appendToResponse(WOComponent.jav
    >>>> a: 982)
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent._appendPageToResponse(WOComponen
    >>>> t. java:1388)
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent._generateResponseInContext(WOCom
    >>>> po
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOComponent.generateResponse(WOComponent.jav
    >>>> a: 1351)
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOActionRequestHandler._handleReque
    >>>> st (
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOActionRequestHandler.handleReques
    >>>> t(
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver.WOApplication.dispatchRequest(WOApplication.
    >>>> ja va:1306)
    >>>> at
    >>>> com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOWorkerThread.runOnce(WOWorkerThre
    >>>> ad .java:173)
    >>>> at
    >>>> av a:254)
    >>>> at
    >>>> --
    >>>> Thomas Fritsche
    >> --
    >> Thomas Fritsche

    Thomas Fritsche

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