WOLips and Frameworks in non-std locations

From: Scott Anderson (scot..ccendi.com)
Date: Thu Sep 30 2004 - 12:07:01 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: WOLips and Frameworks in non-std locations"

    Hello again!

    Making progress on this large conversion! I've got a situation where we
    have both version 1 and version 2 of project wonder used by different
    branches of the project -- due to changes over time and the requirement
    that older branches still be supported for a bit longer. To support
    this, we placed the 1.x branch wonder frameworks in
    /Library/Frameworks/Wonder/1 and the 2.x branch in .../2. The wolips WO
    Frameworks build library thingy doesn't see the frameworks that are in
    sub directories.

    What is the "WOLips/Eclipse" way to add these frameworks to a project?
    I'm willing to move them around but I need to have projects with both
    build-able on the the same machine at the same time (although not in
    the same workbench). I seem to remember this being easy when I played
    with eclipse 2/wolips 1.0 but I can't seem to find the right option in
    eclipse 3.0.1/wolips 1.1 (CVS tips)

    As always, thanks for your help!


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