Neat new features

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 20:43:58 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: Neat new features"


    I am currently playing around with the the SWT browser example. Even
    though I don't really get the way it is called, it looks pretty cool,
    as it is supposed to work on every reasonable platform.

    The cute thing is that pressing shift-F2 opens a view *inside*
    Eclipse, not another browser window! Which opens a world of
    possibilities like finally getting the embedded RuleEditor and
    EOModeler to work. Not to mention that external JDs nows are almost on
    a par to internal ones.

    What keeps me from committing this beast is that I can't imagine that
    there is no standard HTML-Browser plugin for Eclipse apart from this please someone get back to me that I'm not the first one
    to see the value of internal JDs:)

    Cheers, Anjo

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