Obtaining launch arguments in XCode/java (NSProperties?)

From: John C. Beatty (jcbeatt..waterloo.ca)
Date: Thu Jan 27 2005 - 12:10:54 EST

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: Obtaining launch arguments in XCode/java (NSProperties?)"

    Executive summary - what's the officially sanctioned way of getting
    launch arguments, whether supplied on the command line (java ...) or
    when executing a java app within XCode?

    Details: I have a java tool that populates a MySQL databases
    presented to clients via WebObjects. Various parameters are supplied
    to the tool as launch arguments (= command line arguments). It ran
    fine when first written a year or two ago, but with the current
    version of WO (5.2.3) crashes with the error message

            Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
                    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
                    at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:141)
                    at fmpToMySQL.main(fmpToMySQL.java:77)
            Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
                    ... 4 more

    A minimal test program that duplicates this behaviour looks like this:

    import java.util.*;
    import com.webobjects.foundation.*;

    public class TestLaunchArguments {

         private static Properties props;

         public static void main ( String args[] ) {
            NSProperties.setPropertiesFromArgv( args );
            props = System.getProperties();
            String argString = props.getProperty("test");
            if( argString == null ) {
                 System.out.println( "Couldn't find -test <argument>" );
            } else
               System.out.println( "-test " + argString );

    I can still get my java tool to run by packaging it with the WO jar
    files I used at the time I wrote it, but as I say it crashes when run
    with the current release of WebObjects.

    Although most of NSProperty's methods are now deprecated, it's clear
    that I need the NSProperties.setPropertiesFromArgv() call to get
    launch arguments merged with the system properties (or a call to
    something something...) - the arguments don't show up in args,
    whether run from XCode or directly from a shell via java... .

    In the Java tool (ie not in the test app above), if I hardwire in the
    various parameters and comment out the
    NSProperties.setPropertiesFromArgv() call, I get the same error
    message a bit later in the program while executing an EO method.
    Perhaps some piece of EO is looking for a property file that doesn't
    exist, or is finding one I'm unaware of that contains bad content?

    I've poked around extensively in Apple's documentation, in various
    mailing lists, and with google, but not found anything useful.

    If this IS the right way for java code to get its hands on launch
    arguments in OS X, can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or what
    com.webobjects.foundation is looking for?

    If it's NOT the right way for java code to get its hands on launch
    arguments in OS X, I'd be infinitely grateful if someone could tell
    me what I *should* be doing. A pointer to documentation I've missed
    would be great, but preferably documentation that doesn't leave out
    essential details :-)...

    Thanks in advance,
    john beaty

    Prof. John C. Beatty
    School of Computer Science
    University of Waterloo
    200 University Avenue
    Waterloo, Ontario
    Canada  N2L 3G1
    +1 (519) 888-4567 x 4525 voice
    +1 (519) 885-1208 fax

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