Re: Log4J Config file in WOLips

From: Harald Niesche (
Date: Sun Feb 20 2005 - 15:44:20 EST

  • Next message: Harald Niesche: "Re: XCode cant open WOLips projects" wrote:
    > Hello,
    > I have a Log4J config file.
    > I try to use this code to read the file
    > PropertyConfigurator.configure("plainlog4jconfig.txt");
    > 1. the file must be exactly in ./Application.woa/ to start inside Eclipse.
    > and I have to copy it by hand in the dest directory.

    The WO Application is launched with ./Application.woa/ as the current

    > I use the last version von Eclipse and WOLips.
    > is there any better way, which runs automatically to use the txt file?

    Add it to your applications resources and specify the complete path
    inside the application bundle. Add it to the resources and load it using
    another API that uses the WOResourceManager (or whatever it's name is)
    and a Log4J API that accepts an InputStream or URL.

    If you still have questions, I believe there is some documentation here:

    I find that the free documentation is not very complete, so either get
    the book or read the log4j source code (the latter is what I usually do,
    being to lazy to go to a bookstore and to impatient to wait for amazon).


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