Re: using woproject with more complex directory structure

From: Will Norris (
Date: Fri Apr 08 2005 - 10:51:11 EDT

  • Next message: Chuck Hill: "Re: using woproject with more complex directory structure"

    On Apr 1, 2005 2:07 PM, Chuck Hill <> wrote:

    > > src/resources -- eomodels and such
    > >
    > Use a sub-project:
    > Project/Resources.subproj/

    so I tried to figure out what you meant by a sub-project, but am
    having little trouble getting my head around it. Would these be mini
    applications or frameworks? Would you have them setup as seperate
    eclipse projects? If so, eclipse doesn't like for the subprojects to
    be in the same directory tree as the parent project.

    Then what about building the projects? do you basically have a
    seperate build.xml for each subproject that is called from the
    parent's build.xml (like normal ant subprojects)?

    I know this probably isn't a real advanced thing.. it's just not
    "clicking" in my head yet.


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