WOLips and Tiger

From: David LeBer (dlebe..odebase.ca)
Date: Sun May 01 2005 - 15:01:33 EDT

  • Next message: Gilberto Rodriguez: "EOModel crashes! with Tiger"

    I've confirmed that the *hack* <http://www.objectstyle.org/woproject/
    wolips.html> that I used with WOLips in Panther to get WOBuilder to
    work reliably now does more harm than good in Tiger (What? Something
    bad comes from swapping in old /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks? Who
    would of thunk it? :-)

    WOBuilder will not run with the *hack* in place with out the old
    ProjectBuilder.framework, and EOModeler will not run at all.

    I've been trying to get the WOProject xcodeindex ant task to work,
    but am having little success. I've got a task based on the examples
    but running from the command line or from within Eclipse throws an
    error of missing org/apache/tools/ant/types/FileSet.

    If anyone is successfully using this task to allow WOBuilder to see
    classes and attibutes for projects created in Eclipse/WOLips I'd love
    to hear about it. A sample build.xml file would be wonderful.

    Feeling rather stupid right now...


    David LeBer
    Codebase Software Systems
    site:   http://www.codebase.ca
    blog: http://david.codebase.ca

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