Re: WebObjects Builder and XCode

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 18:37:15 EDT

  • Next message: James Cicenia: "Re: WebObjects Builder and XCode"

    Am 20.05.2005 um 23:38 schrieb Nicolas Parvais:

    > My idea is to write a Eclipse plugin that simulate XCode and send
    > to WebObjects information about the Project Descriptor file
    > (project.pbxproj) when required.

    Yeah, right. And try to create world peace while you're at it:)

    Seriously: the communication between PXB and WOBuilders is a private
    NSWhateverItsCalled thing. You won't be able to "simulate" this. And
    even if you could - which doesn't admit for a second that you really
    could - then it would still be a native thing to OSX.

    I don't know what the big deal is anyway. Just leave XCode open and
    you're set.

    Cheers, Anjo

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