Re: Command line build

From: Geoff Hopson (
Date: Thu Sep 08 2005 - 08:49:19 EDT

  • Next message: Schoenenberger Dominique: "RE: Command line build"

    I use Eclipse and WOLips on Linux, and have this script that I use to tar everything up and scp it to my deployment box (again, Linux). YMMV...

    # Build deployments

    # tidy up before you...
    cd /home/Apple/Local
    rm -rf Library/Frameworks/framework1.framework
    rm -rf Library/Frameworks/framework2.framework
    rm -rf Library/WebObjects/Applications/Application1.woa
    rm -rf Library/WebObjects/Applications/Application2.woa
    # now build
    cd ~/Work/workspace;
    ant -f framework1/build.xml clean;
    ant -f framework2/build.xml clean;
    ant -f Application1/build.xml clean;
    ant -f Application2/build.xml clean;

    ant -f framework1/build.xml install;
    ant -f framework2/build.xml install;
    ant -f Application1/build.xml install;
    ant -f Application2/build.xml install;

    # tar it all up...
    cd /home/Apple/Local
    tar cfz /tmp/deployment_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.tgz \
            Library/Frameworks/framework1.framework \
            Library/Frameworks/framework2.framework \
            Library/WebObjects/Applications/Application1.woa \

    # tidy up after you...
    cd /home/Apple/Local
    rm -rf Library/Frameworks/framework1.framework
    rm -rf Library/Frameworks/framework2.framework
    rm -rf Library/WebObjects/Applications/Application1.woa
    rm -rf Library/WebObjects/Applications/Application2.woa

    # copy it over to host
    scp /tmp/deployment_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.tgz aUse..ost:/home/aUser/Work/Releases

    On the remote end, I unpack it in the Releases directory, which creates a Folder called Library/....

    Then I have a bunch of softlinks in /home/Apple/Local/Library to the frameorks and applications, softlinks from the webserver to the webserverresoources in the application folders. ALl nice and easy. For me.


    On Thursday, September 08, 2005, at 01:32PM, Schoenenberger Dominique <> wrote:

    ><<Original Attached>>

    Command line build


    We're using Eclipse 3.0.1/WOLips on W2K. We're looking for a way to automate build of our apps; we have multiple apps, depending on multiple frameworks (Wonder's and ours).

    We've read some messages on this list about how to do it, but none showed us a clean and easy way to do it, because none of these methods re-use information set in Eclipse/WOLips; everytime you need to copy information from Eclipse/WOLips into new build.xml files (framework dependencies, paths, options, etc.); the .classpath, .project and woproject/* files are not used, AFAIK, in these build methods.

    We tried to invoke ant this way:

    ant -Declipse.home=d:/eclipse -Declipse.running=false -Dframeworks.dest.dir=${localFrameworkDir} -lib ${WOPROJECT_ANT_LIB_PATH}

    but noticed that no class is recompiled, i.e. all classes need to have been compiled earlier within Eclipse and put into the bin directory of the project folder. Javac is never invoked.

    I found a WOCompile task in WOProject, but which parameters do I need to pass? I don't want to have to type the framework names, as I already defined the framework dependencies in Eclipse, nor do I want to have to type the source files to compile, etc. All the pattern sets files should be reused.

    For example, if we use PB, we would simply write:
    cd myFramework
    make clean
    make install
    cd myApp
    make clean
    make install

    I wouldn't have to pass any additional parameter to make, nor would I need to write any additional make rules to be able to compile from the command-line. Now, how can I do the same using ant?

    Thanks for your enlightments.

    When will there be a new WOLips release?

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