How To Includes Resources in Framework

From: Shelli D. Orton (
Date: Tue Sep 20 2005 - 19:50:28 EDT

  • Next message: Greg: "Workspace Refresh/Rebuild"


    I'm using Eclipse 3.1.0 and WOLips I'm trying to get some files
    include in my build/xxx.framework/Resources when I do an incrmental build.
    I've tried adding the file names to the PB.project as a WOAPP_RESOURCES and
    also to the woproject resources.include.patternset, but the files are still
    not included. The build does pull in a Properties file, but I can't seem to
    determine how that is configured. It was referenced in both PB.project and
    the patternset, but I removed references to it from both these files and it
    is still included. The only way it seems to not have this file included is
    for it to physically not exist.

    Can anyone help me?


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