Newbie questions

From: Miguel Arroz (
Date: Sun Sep 25 2005 - 12:20:20 EDT

  • Next message: Miguel Arroz: "WOgen"


       I'm learning WO and, influenced by Charles and Sacha (and their
    book!), I'm trying to setup Eclipse with WOLips, but I have some
    questions. My setup if the following:

       - Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.2
       - WO 5.3
       - Eclipse Version: 3.1.0 Build id: I20050627-1435
       - WOLips - the latest version available on the WebPage (did not
    use the CVS version - should I?).

       The questions are:

       - What excatly is WOProject? I downloaded it, and didn't use it at
    all... what's the differente between WOLips and WOProject?

       - On the HelloWOrld tutorial says that I should create two
    projects, the HelloWOrld and the Components. Then, I should include
    the Components project to the build path. Well, I can't do that...
    when i Click on the Add button, no project appears on the list to
    add. Specifically,
    helloworld18.html. When I click on the Add button, a window with an
    empty list appears. I tried to follow the rest of the tutorial, but
    creating the HelloWOrld component inside the HelloWOrld project. It
    worked fine! Is the components project really necessary? What's the
    point of it's existance?


    Miguel Arroz

           "GUERRA E' PAZ
            IGNORANCIA E' FORCA" -- 1984

    Miguel Arroz

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