next build

From: Mike Schrag (
Date: Sun Sep 25 2005 - 23:56:18 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Newbie questions"

    1) PB.project is properly updated now, and in the case of a clean
    build, it will be rebuilt. This should allow you to delete
    PB.project and have it rebuilt from scratch if it gets out-of-whack.

    2) Bunch of misc fixes to WOD editor to find some more errors. For
    instance, putting spaces in places they shouldn't be wasn't being
    caught before, so "Test Component : Test Element {" would have been
    syntactically valid before. This is now caught as an error.

    3) Launch Configuration names are now "ProjectName :
    PrincipalClassName", since all of my projects had a principal class
    named "Application", I would always end up with the same named launch
    configurations over and over again. This should make it so you don't
    have to manually rename them as often.

    4) There's a new EOGeneratorBuilder. In
    Preferences..=>WOLips=>Build , there is a place to set the path to
    your eogenerator executable, and in the Project Properties=>WOLips
    Build, there is a new text area to enter the commandline parameters.
    The working directory is your project directory. If both of these
    fields are set, then when any file is changed inside of a .eomodeld
    folder, eogenerator will be kicked off. This is obviously brand new,
    so I'm sure there will be some kinks to work out, but give it a shot
    and let me know how it works for you.


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