Re: Project Wonder / Eclipse / WOLips

From: Colin Shreffler (
Date: Tue Sep 27 2005 - 02:31:10 EDT

  • Next message: Greg: "Re: Project Wonder / Eclipse / WOLips"


    I can get the application to run properly until I add Project Wonder
    Framework references to my project. When I do so, I get the following
    output and the application doesn't launch. Below this is a copy of my
    Properties File...

    Any ideas?

    Sep 27 00:25:43 main 182 INFO er.extensions.ERXLogger - Updated the
    logging configuration with the current system properties. Sep 27 00:25:43
    main 182 INFO er.extensions.ERXLogger - Updated the logging configuration
    with the current system properties. Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOMaxIOBufferSize=8196 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOWorkerThreadCountMin=16 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOSocketMonitorSleepTime=50 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WODirectConnectEnabled=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOIncludeCommentsInResponse=false Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOWorkerThreadCount=8 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOAdaptorURL= Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44
    DEBUG NSLog - WOIDE=WOLips Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WODebuggingEnabled=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOListenQueueSize=128 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOMissingResourceSearchEnabled=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOApplicationClassName=Application Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOSessionStoreClassName=WOServerSessionStore Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG
    NSLog - WOContextClassName=WOContext Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOCachingEnabled=false Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOAcceptMalformedCookies=false Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    NSProjectSearchPath=("..") Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOMonitorEnabled=false Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOAllowRapidTurnaround=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOGenerateWSDL=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOWorkerThreadCountMax=256 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=false Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog
    - WOAdaptor=WODefaultAdaptor Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOSessionTimeOut=3600 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOMaxSocketIdleTime=180000 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WODefaultUndoStackLimit=10 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOAutoOpenClientApplication=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOAutoOpenInBrowser=false Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOApplicationBaseURL=/WebObjects Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOMaxHeaders=200 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOLifebeatEnabled=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOAllowsCacheControlHeader=true Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOSMTPHost=smtp Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOFrameworksBaseURL=/WebObjects/Frameworks Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG
    NSLog - WOStatisticsStoreSessionMax=50 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog
    - WOAdditionalAdaptors=() Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOLifebeatDestinationPort=1085 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOPort=-1 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog - WOLifebeatInterval=30 Sep
    27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog - WOSocketCacheSize=100 Sep 27 00:25:43
    main 44 DEBUG NSLog -
    WOUserDirectory=/Users/cshreffler/Documents/workspace/oms/build/oms.woa Sep
    27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog - WODisplayExceptionPages=true Sep 27
    00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog - ------------------------ Sep 27 00:25:43
    main 44 DEBUG NSLog - Created adaptor of class WODefaultAdaptor on port
    53767 and address titan/ with WOWorkerThread minimum of 16 and
    maximum of 256 Sep 27 00:25:43 main 44 DEBUG NSLog - NSBundle is unable to
    find "ExtensionsForResources.plist" in the main bundle. Ignoring optional
    configuration file. Sep 27 00:25:44 main 41 WARN NSLog - Application
    project found: Will locate resources in '' rather than
    '/Users/cshreffler/Documents/workspace/oms/build/oms.woa' . Sep 27 00:25:46
    main 44 DEBUG NSLog - *** The application has found the following opened,
    development-mode Xcode projects:
    (<com.webobjects.appserver._private.WOProjectBundle: projectName='oms';
    projectPath=''>) Sep 27 00:25:47 main 44 DEBUG NSLog - Creating
    LifebeatThread now with: oms 53767 titan/ 1085 30000 Sep 27
    00:25:47 main 38 INFO NSLog - Welcome to oms ! Sep 27 00:25:48 main 775
    INFO er.extensions.ERXProperties - ERXProperties has found the following
    Properties files: Framework: ERExtensions (not opened, installed)
    /Library/Frameworks/ERExtensions.framework/Resources/Properties Framework:
    JavaJDBCAdaptor (not opened, installed)
    Framework: JavaWebObjects (not opened, installed)
    Application: oms (not opened, installed)
    roperties Sep 27 00:25:48 main 182 INFO er.extensions.ERXLogger - Updated
    the logging configuration with the current system properties. Sep 27
    00:25:48 main 395 WARN er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription -
    CustomerContact: relationship 'customerContact_customer' is marked to-one
    and optional, but the foreign key 'customerFID' does NOT allow NULL values
    Sep 27 00:25:48 main 395 WARN er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription -
    CustomerContact: relationship 'customerContact_salutation' is marked to-one
    and optional, but the foreign key 'salutationFID' does NOT allow NULL values
    Sep 27 00:25:48 main 395 WARN er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription -
    Job: relationship 'job_customer' is marked to-one and optional, but the
    foreign key 'customerFID' does NOT allow NULL values Sep 27 00:25:48 main
    395 WARN er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription - Job: relationship
    'job_jobType' is marked to-one and optional, but the foreign key
    'jobTypeFID' does NOT allow NULL values Sep 27 00:25:48 main 395 WARN
    er.extensions.ERXEntityClassDescription - Job: relationship 'job_vatType'
    is marked to-one and optional, but the foreign key 'vatTypeFID' does NOT
    allow NULL values Sep 27 00:25:48 main 41 WARN NSLog -


    # ########################################################### #
    ############## Adaptor Context SQL logging ################ #
    ########################################################### # put this to
    true if you want to log sql stuff
    er.extensions.ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.enabled=true # put this to INFO or
    DEBUG #
    ########################################################### #
    ########################################################### # #############
    EOModel stuff ############################### #
    ########################################################### # in this
    example we use only one database and one EOModel # this is all for
    Postgresql!!! # the database user's name dbConnectUserGLOBAL=<username
    removed> # the database user's password dbConnectPasswordGLOBAL=<password
    removed> # the Plugin name to use dbConnectPluginGLOBAL=Postgresql # the
    hostname or IP address where the database server runs
    dbConnectHostNameGLOBAL= # the driver which should be used by
    EOF dbConnectDriverGLOBAL=org.postgresql.Driver # the database name
    dbConnectServerGLOBAL=<database name removed> #
    ########################################################### #
    ########################################################### #
    ############### LOCALIZATION SUPPORT ###################### #
    ########################################################### # this chapter
    is coming later!
    er.extensions.ERXLocalizer.frameworkSearchPath=(app,ERExtensions) #
    ########################################################### #
    ########################################################### #
    ###################### ERExtensions ####################### #
    ########################################################### # turn OFF
    shared editing usage unless you -really- know how to use it # this prevents
    EOF deadlocks! er.extensions.ERXEC.useSharedEditingContext=false # now you
    can turn on concurrent request handling # EOF deadlocks should not occur, if
    they do please report # the stack trace to
    WOAllowsConcurrentRequestHandling=true # We want to disable undo for the
    EOEditingContext's # if you want to use it simply replace the 0 with another
    positive number WODefaultUndoStackLimit=0 # turning this to true will path
    WO in order to produce # -real- XHTML compliant HTML code with the WO
    dynamic elements # like WOImage, WOCheckbox and so on
    er.extensions.ERXPatcher.cleanupXHTML=true # you can use multiple EOF stacks
    on the fly, just # set the value to the number of the desired EOF stacks #
    for normal developers: please do not change this unless # you know what
    multiple EOF stacks mean for your application
    er.extensions.ERXObjectStoreCoordinatorPool.maxCoordinators=1 # please do
    not change this. If its true then PW will automatically # unlock all
    EOEditingContexts which where created by the current # WOWorkerThread. This
    is especially important for D2W applications # and prevents EOF deadlocks.
    er.extensions.ERXApplication.useEditingContextUnlocker=true # if this is
    true then PW willa automatically lock an unlock # each EOEditingContext on
    the relevant operations. This is # slow and just for debugging purpose.
    er.extensions.ERXEC.defaultAutomaticLockUnlock=false # the follwing things
    should be as they are # documentation is coming later
    er.extensions.ERXJDBCConnectionBroker.connectionPingSQL=select 1+1 #
    ########################################################### #
    ###################### general stuff ###################### #
    ########################################################### # its always a
    good idea to turn this to true if you use # the java awt package
    ######################################################################### #
    ######################################################################### ##
    Enable delegate to emit SQL debugging info. The Logger used is #
    put this to true if you want to log sql stuff #
    er.extensions.ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.enabled=false ## How long a
    statement must run to cause a log message. Messages with longer than ##
    error also emit a stack-trace
    er.extensions.ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.trace.milliSeconds.error=5000 ##
    MaxLength of the message
    er.extensions.ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.trace.maxLength = 3000 ## What
    entities to watch
    er.extensions.ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.trace.entityMatchPattern = .* #
    ########################################################### #
    ########################## ERJavaMail ##################### #
    ########################################################### # this is coming
    in a later version #
    er.javamail.smtpHost=an.smtp.server er.javamail.centralize=false
    er.javamail.debugEnabled=false #
    ########################################################### #
    ############### LOG4J stuff ############################### #
    ########################################################### # we want to log
    all output to the console
    log4j.appender.STDOUT=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender # turn LOG4J
    debugging on with this property: #log4j.debug=true # set log factory
    log4j.loggerFactory=er.extensions.ERXLogger$Factory # Set root category
    priority to INFO and its only appender to STDOUT. log4j.rootCategory=INFO,
    STDOUT # STDOUT uses PatternLayout.
    #log4j.appender.STDOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{MMM dd HH:mm:ss} %$[%#]
    (%F:%L) %-5p %c %x - %m%n
    log4j.appender.STDOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{MMM dd HH:mm:ss} %t %L
    %-5p %c %x - %m%n # %d = date # %$ appname # %# port # %F file # %L line #
    %-5p category # %c category # #
    log4j.appender.STDOUT.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{MMM dd HH:mm:ss} %-5p
    %c{1} %m%n # Note that (%F:%L) is fairly slow and shouldn't be used in
    performance intensive logging # The above pattern will produce logs that
    look like: # Jun 18 17:46:18 MyAppName[4002] ( INFO - Some log # Add application properties here

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