Re: requests?

From: Guido Neitzer (
Date: Wed Oct 05 2005 - 11:14:19 EDT

  • Next message: Sébastien Sahuc: "WOComponentEditor not launching ; IllegalArgumentException ; TAKE TWO"

    On 05.10.2005, at 16:33 Uhr, Mike Schrag wrote:

    > I'm just curious to find out what features folks would like to see
    > in wolips ... Well, aside from find working properly :)

    1. A rule editor for D2W in Eclipse. ;-)
    But I think I like a Cocoa-App for this. There is one - RuleModeler -
    but as far as I remember I was warned using it. Currently I'm using
    RuleEditor which mostly works - only the refresh with Eclipse after
    saving the rule file is an issue. I have to save the file, switch to
    Eclipse, hit refresh for the file, switch to the browser and see the
    result there. Could be better.

    2. A keyboard shortcut set for the HTML/WOD-Editor that fits Mac OS X

    3. My added libraries are not included in the classpath (my added
    mysql.jar and so on).

    4. A way to configure displayGroups without editing the .woo file by

    5. Something like "insert WORepetion (insert other tags here ...)" in
    html with automatic generation of the wod entry.

    6. Select something in the html editor and have a way to "surround
    selected with a webobjects tag".

    Okay, more later ... :-)

    Ah, forgotten: was is your preferred drink and what is your address? ;-)


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