Re: Building eclipse requires tptp

From: Anjo Krank (
Date: Thu Nov 03 2005 - 20:00:27 EST

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: Building eclipse requires tptp"

    Hi Mike,

    Am 04.11.2005 um 01:13 schrieb Mike Schrag:

    > I'm wondering if we can maybe split WOLips into another set of
    > features that have these dependencies. I'm happy to do without
    > TPTP at the moment, and actually when it's all said and done, I
    > think I'd rather not have Web Tools Project either (my preference
    > would be to write a much lighter HTML syntax colorizer, or maybe
    > find another html plugin that doesn't bring along so many
    > dependencies). I think WTP and TPTP have definitely jumped the
    > complexity/size up for what really isn't that much gain. Are other
    > people using features of WTP as part of WOLips beyond just the HTML
    > syntax coloring? I think if we had a smaller set of plugins for
    > the HTML part that we could do a lot fancier stuff from a WOLips/
    > WOD integration standpoint. Unfortunately to really fix any issues
    > right now, we have to submit patches back to WTP and then wait on
    > their release cycle (which sounds like a painful process). As
    > always, just my two cents. Ulrich spent a lot of time on the WTP
    > integration and the TPTP stuff (which is also brand new, so I can't
    > judge it at the moment), so I don't mean to come off as
    > ungrateful. I just want to try and streamline deployment/
    > installation/stability for people.

    If it makes sense, I'm not against TPTP integration. But from what I
    saw a few weeks ago, there is no "collector" part for OSX so the
    whole project isn't really useful on that platform. And so - in turn
    - I'm reluctant to drag in these multi-MB plugins without any clear
    gain. If TPTP/hyades actually works on OSX then great! But please
    tell me how...

    > Anjo -- Re: your other problems. Are your issues with wodclipse
    > specifically (i.e. the .wod editor part) or the component editor
    > (i.e. the composite editor view around them all)? Component
    > Editor's not my bag, but if your issues are specifically with the
    > wod editor, I'm definitely interested to hear what problems you're
    > having. If the filing bugs process is annoying, feel free to email
    > me your issues directly to me and I'll do the dirty work to log
    > them/fix them :)

    The main problems are probably related to the multi-editor stuff:

    - setting breakpoints doesn't work (clicking in the gutter doesn't
    work, the "toggle" context menu does, though
    - quick-fix doesn't work - expect in the "Problems" view
    - showing the package when a class is active doesn't work.
    Workaround: Choose "Show in Explorer"

    This may or may not be related with the WOD plugin. It's just that
    these issues make it a pain to edit components - more than before all
    the enhancements, where you'd simply open WOBuilder through the
    "Related" view.

    I'm not really complaining though, the WOD validation alone is
    priceless and has helped us improve code quality quite a lot. But
    still, actually editing stuff is rather messy at the moment, so I'd
    prefer to things to stabilize a bit before adding TPTP just for fun...

    Cheers, Anjo

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