Re: WO 5.3.1 licensing

From: David Teran (
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 09:07:59 EST

  • Next message: Marc Respass: "Re: WO 5.3.1 licensing"

    > If this bothers you, buy a Mac Mini, install WO and expose the jars
    > via Samba to your Windows machine :-)

    Yes, that would be a good idea, at least this is what apple likes you
    to do ;-)

    > But I agree - it is ridiculous that programmers have to go into
    > such trouble to interpret the stupid license.
    > "EOF references" in source code are definitely not controlled by
    > the Apple license (c'mon - do you seriously think that the day you
    > learned about NSArray, you soul belongs to Steve Jobs). Whether
    > *compiling* against WO jars is allowed under deployment license
    > (using javac and Eclipse) - that's not 100% clear, but I'd say it is.
    > Say I write a super dynamic WO application where a user enters WO
    > template code in runtime, typing it in a web form for later
    > rendering as a WO component... Or another WO app with some embedded
    > scripting language with expressions compiled in runtime against WO
    > jars. With modern Java, compilation is a de-facto part of
    > deployment (IIRC in Java 1.6 there will be public compiler API
    > available in runtime).

    Well, i think the intention is pretty clear to all of us: development
    only on mac os x, deployment free (and afaik also -for- free). While
    the definition of development and deployment is quite flexible i
    still think: its clear what development is and its clear what
    deployment is. A hyperdynamic WOApp which compiles classes at runtime
    from text entered in a WOText field and such things, at least clear
    to me: deployment. A person which sits in front of a computer running
    linux or windows, hitting the keyboard and triggering eclipse to do
    something, with the help of different plugIns like WOLIps, at least
    clear to meh: development.

    But its up to apple to specify what development is and what not, but
    only if they care about this. I am not sure if they really care and
    at least for me its not important: i would -never never never-
    develop on linux or windows so i am happy.

    my additional 2ct.


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