Re: cayenne and woproject jars

From: Ulrich Köster (
Date: Sun May 14 2006 - 04:54:55 EDT

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    Moin Mike,

    if it makes life easier for you I'm fine with it.

    Am 13.05.2006 um 21:25 schrieb Mike Schrag:

    > Does anyone have any strong feelings against copying cayenne.jar
    > into the cayenne plugin and woproject.jar into the woproject plugin
    > and committing them? Currently for anyone who wants to work on
    > wolips, the initial checkout/build is mildly annoying because you
    > have to manually copy those two jars in (and woproject requires an
    > initial ant build to get). I know woproject CAN get out of sync,
    > but just to give it an initial version it would be helpful, I think.
    > ms

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