Creating new WOFramework or WOApplication

From: David LeBer (
Date: Tue May 16 2006 - 10:07:08 EDT

  • Next message: Watkins, Garry: "Re: Creating new WOFramework or WOApplication"

    Hey all,

    Anyone else seeing this?

    I cannot create a viable WOFramework or WOApplication using the
    contextual menu in the Package Explorer or from the tool bar by

    New -> WOFramework or New -> WOApplication.

    I end up with the project directories, but no Libraries are added and
    Eclipse doesn't see it as a Java project.

    Selecting New -> Project -> WOLips WO 5.1 and 5.2 -> WOFramework (or
    WOApplication) does work however.

    I just upgraded from Eclipse 3.2 M6 to 3.2 RC4 using the new wiki
    instructions (thanks for that Mike!).


    -- David LeBer Codeferous Software 'co-defer-ous' adj. producing or containing code site: blog:

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