Re: EOGenerator support

From: Pierre Frisch (
Date: Thu May 18 2006 - 16:52:00 EDT

  • Next message: Mike Schrag: "Re: EOGenerator support"

    Hi Mike,

    I am having trouble with the new feature.

    I used to launch eogenerator using the "old feature" with the the
    following arguments:

    -model "Resources/BlackPressDirectory.eomodeld" -refmodel "Resources/
    Prototypes.eomodeld" -templatedir Templates -destination src -prefix
    _ -filenameTemplate "{classPackageName}{if isSuperclass}.base{endif}.
    {classNameWithoutPackage}" -packagedirs -verbose -java -define-
    copyrightYear "2006" -define-copyrightBy "Black Press"

    I understand that the UI does not support some of the feature I need
    so I manually edited the eogen file to:

    /Developer/Tools/eogenerator -model "Resources/
    BlackPressDirectory.eomodeld" -refmodel "Resources/
    Prototypes.eomodeld" -templatedir Templates -destination src -prefix
    _ -filenameTemplate "{classPackageName}{if isSuperclass}.base{endif}.
    {classNameWithoutPackage}" -packagedirs -verbose -java -define-
    copyrightYear "2006" -define-copyrightBy "Black Press"

    However it still does not do what I need. The classes get generated
    at the root instead of being placed in a sub-directory base. Any idea
    what may be different? Do you know where the log goes, I cannot see it?



    On 15-May-06, at 4:25 PM, Pierre Frisch wrote:

    > Hi Mike,
    > When you have time prefix and filenameTemplate would be a help. I
    > agree that packagedirs and java should just be on and verbose is
    > quite useful when debugging but not life threatening; actually you
    > could set it on by default I don't think it would cause any problem..
    > Here is an example of a eogenerator target I use:
    > <target name="generate.eos">
    > <exec dir="${project.dir}" executable="/Developer/Tools/
    > eogenerator" vmlauncher="false" outputproperty="eogen.log"
    > logError="true" newenvironment="true">
    > <arg value="-model" />
    > <arg file="${project.dir}/Resources/Catalog.eomodeld" />
    > <arg value="-refmodel" />
    > <arg file="${project.dir}/../sPearWayAccess/Resources/
    > Prototypes.eomodeld" />
    > <arg value="-templatedir" />
    > <arg file="${project.dir}/../sPearWayAccess/Templates" />
    > <arg value="-destination" />
    > <arg file="${project.dir}/src/" />
    > <arg value="-prefix" />
    > <arg value="_" />
    > <arg value="-filenameTemplate" />
    > <arg value="{classPackageName}{if isSuperclass}.base
    > {endif}.{classNameWithoutPackage}" />
    > <arg value="-packagedirs" />
    > <arg value="-verbose" />
    > <arg value="-java" />
    > <arg value="-define-copyrightYear" />
    > <arg value="1997-2005" />
    > <arg value="-define-copyrightBy" />
    > <arg value="sPearWay Ltd." />
    > </exec>
    > <echo message="EOGenerator ${eogen.log}" />
    > </target>
    > I think having a separate auxillary xml build file to be called in
    > the general build would be quite acceptable, It would work in my
    > case anyway.
    > Thank you
    > Pierre
    > On 15-May-06, at 3:39 PM, Mike Schrag wrote:
    >> I don't support the full set of commands yet (basically just what
    >> I use :) ) ... prefix and filenameTemplate aren't in there at
    >> all. Verbose is in the model, but not in the UI. Packagedirs is
    >> always on (not sure why you would NOT want this on?). Having
    >> destination and subclassDestination separate actually matches the
    >> EOGenerator configuration options. I point both of mine to "src",
    >> which it sounds like what you want to do also. Those two folders
    >> define the location from which package directories will be created.
    >> Now that we have a model that tells us the EOModels associated
    >> with an eogen file, we can hook it back up to the build process so
    >> it runs when there are changes.
    >> I'm all for an ant task, though I'm not sure how to make a
    >> with LISTS (i.e. you can have a variable number
    >> of models and ref models). I could, however, actually generate a
    >> mini ant target xml that can be included/called from the larger
    >> build.xml.
    >> Can you send me the example ant xml of how you currently call
    >> EOGenerator from your build script?
    >> ms
    >> On May 15, 2006, at 6:26 PM, Pierre Frisch wrote:
    >>> Hi Mike,
    >>> I am not sure how to use the new feature. Here is the parameters
    >>> I used to pass to eogenerator in WOLips:
    >>> -model "Resources/BlackPressDirectory.eomodeld" -refmodel
    >>> "Resources/Prototypes.eomodeld" -templatedir Templates -
    >>> destination src -prefix _ -filenameTemplate "{clas
    >>> sPackageName}{if isSuperclass}.base{endif}.
    >>> {classNameWithoutPackage}" -packagedirs -verbose -java -define-
    >>> copyrightYear "2006" -define-copyrightBy "Black Press"
    >>> I can find a way or reproducing most of them but how do I set
    >>> "prefix", "filenameTemplate", "packagedirs" and "verbose"
    >>> Also the settings "destination" and "subclass destination" are a
    >>> bit counter intuitive; I usually store my subclasses in a package
    >>> directory (com.blackpress.ldap in that case) and my generated
    >>> classes in a sub directory base inside the same package
    >>> (com.blackpress.ldap.base in that case). To achieve this I need
    >>> to put src in the destination and nothing the subclass destination.
    >>> I also think we need a way of forcing eogenerator to run when we
    >>> are doing a "full build" for distribution or release. I kind of
    >>> liked the idea of having it run whenever the model has changed
    >>> even if I have find it a bit unreliable.
    >>> How do you see the ant integration? instead of the xx.eogen file
    >>> could we make it a property file and have a target in the
    >>> standard build.xml to call eogenerator with those properties? May
    >>> be in woproject? That would save us from having to maintain two
    >>> sets of parameters.
    >>> Thanks for the work I think we are on the right track.
    >>> Pierre
    >>> On 15-May-06, at 11:09 AM, Mike Schrag wrote:
    >>>> The latest wolips (124) adds a little nicer support for
    >>>> EOGenerator. I went the route of how Eclipse supports .jardesc
    >>>> files for producing jar files. The first thing you should do is
    >>>> setup the fields in the WOLips=>EOGenerator preferences. Next,
    >>>> use the new EOGenerator wizard (under the WOLips section of the
    >>>> New.. window), and fill in the attributes of your eogenerator
    >>>> configuration. To execute it, you can right-
    >>>> click=>WOlips=>EOGenerate... the file. I have not tried this on
    >>>> Windows at all, and I suspect there will be some escaping of
    >>>> backslash issues at the very least. You can have
    >>>> multiple .eogen files in your project if you have different sets
    >>>> of eogenerator configurations. It's a first-version, so bear
    >>>> with it :) I'm pretty annoyed with the file/folder selection
    >>>> dialogs that eclipse provides -- on the Mac, none of them appear
    >>>> to default to the folder that I specify, which is pretty annoying.
    >>>> One thing also is that if you change your global EOGenerator
    >>>> preferences after having created eogens, your .eogens will need
    >>>> to be updated (reopen, remove explicit references to default
    >>>> values, and resave). The eogen file itself is actually a one-
    >>>> line script that you can run from the shell also. I have no
    >>>> idea if this is useful to anyone. It makes life kind of
    >>>> annoying to maintain, so I might toss that if nobody has an
    >>>> opinion on it.
    >>>> ms

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