WebObjects Frameworks Library paths

From: John Huss (johnthus..mail.com)
Date: Mon May 22 2006 - 10:49:52 EDT

  • Next message: Anjo Krank: "Re: WebObjects Frameworks Library paths"

    I always seem to have problems with the "WebObjects Frameworks"
    Library, so I end up not using it.

    When initially adding the library to my project, it places
    "/Users/John/Roots/JavaWOExtensions.framework" on my path 3 times (by
    default it is checked in each of the different locations.

    If I check Local->ERExtensions and Finish, it adds the framework from
    /Users/John/Roots instead of /Library/Frameworks. And if I edit the
    library again, I find that ExternalBuildRoot->ERExtensions is now also
    checked and if I press Finish, I end up with duplicate entries for
    ERExtensions, with both pathed to /Users/John/Roots.

    What's going on?


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